What gets right up your nose

Took Mum to the private hospital 10 days ago, dropped her off and parked in the private car park. Shouldn't have to go to a private doc but that's a whole different rant. She put the car reg into the keypad on reception but the barstools have sent a 60 quid parking fine today :mad: As if it isn't bad enough having to see a private doc because the GP is useless
Took Mum to the private hospital 10 days ago, dropped her off and parked in the private car park. Shouldn't have to go to a private doc but that's a whole different rant. She put the car reg into the keypad on reception but the barstools have sent a 60 quid parking fine today :mad: As if it isn't bad enough having to see a private doc because the GP is useless
Contest it. Tell them that she put the number in, who she was there to see, and ask for the fine to be cancelled because you were a genuine visitor. Their keypad must have been faulty.
Took Mum to the private hospital 10 days ago, dropped her off and parked in the private car park. Shouldn't have to go to a private doc but that's a whole different rant. She put the car reg into the keypad on reception but the barstools have sent a 60 quid parking fine today :mad: As if it isn't bad enough having to see a private doc because the GP is useless
A mate recently had problems with hospital parking, turns out that the anpr camera was reading the plate wrongly due to position of the fixing screws
Not getting too excited, but 2 milkings in and going well. First night he dropped a bottle of calcium in the vein into a cow. Tonight I came out of the house and he's got the ropes on a cow. Pulled a backwards Angus bull out 👌
Milking clean and methodical. Quiet with cows.
Year below me at school, so *should* have wild nights out and drugs done with.
Own farm with his brother and dad. Sucklers, so topping up with some milkings. Coming back Monday 🙂

And we're off again. Another cabinet reshuffle 🙄
Morning girl has bagged a job in Shropshire (after my glowing reference 😀) so night man moving to mornings because he's good, and mornings are more important to get the milk in the tank and the kids off to school.
Nights can be a bit more relaxed, so tonight I trialled one of our oldest's mates from school. The farm he works on at weekends is selling their herd in May so he's looking for work.
A decent enough lad. He listens and is methodical, and actually talks to you rather than a grunt. Just to thrash out what nights he can do 🙂
Got a "honker" of a ewe. Long term resident in the pens because her lamb's had a few issues, and she honks at high pitch million decibel bawling constantly. Every time she hears me coming up the yard she starts up, standing on her back legs with her front feet on the hurdle rail or in the water bucket - and she doesn't SHUT UP. got a headache🤕
Got a "honker" of a ewe. Long term resident in the pens because her lamb's had a few issues, and she honks at high pitch million decibel bawling constantly. Every time she hears me coming up the yard she starts up, standing on her back legs with her front feet on the hurdle rail or in the water bucket - and she doesn't SHUT UP. got a headache🤕
We've got Wiggy the cow screaming at the moment. Calved nearly 3 weeks ago. Adopted every calf that arrived in the pen until she got chucked out. Bawled for days until she gave herself milk fever (not sure that's possible 🤔) so back in pen again. Luckily nothing calving to upset her in there. Threw her out again yesterday morning and the screaming has kicked off once more 🙄
Took Mum to the private hospital 10 days ago, dropped her off and parked in the private car park. Shouldn't have to go to a private doc but that's a whole different rant. She put the car reg into the keypad on reception but the barstools have sent a 60 quid parking fine today :mad: As if it isn't bad enough having to see a private doc because the GP is useless
Had an email from Euro Car Parks. A lot of crap about private land and signage then

• The signage onsite clearly states ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’, your vehicle was not authorised to park in Nuffield Health - York Hospital – your full and correct vehicle registration was not registered via the console located on the premises, therefore the Parking Charge Notice was issued correctly.
• The Parking Charge Notice has been cancelled on this occasion, however any further Parking Charge Notices issued for the same reasons will not be cancelled. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the full and correct Vehicle Registration Mark has been entered via the console located on the premises.

I think the twunts are trying it on, expecting that users of a private hospital are well heeled enough not to contest a £60 fine 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
Had an email from Euro Car Parks. A lot of crap about private land and signage then

• The signage onsite clearly states ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’, your vehicle was not authorised to park in Nuffield Health - York Hospital – your full and correct vehicle registration was not registered via the console located on the premises, therefore the Parking Charge Notice was issued correctly.
• The Parking Charge Notice has been cancelled on this occasion, however any further Parking Charge Notices issued for the same reasons will not be cancelled. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the full and correct Vehicle Registration Mark has been entered via the console located on the premises.

I think the twunts are trying it on, expecting that users of a private hospital are well heeled enough not to contest a £60 fine 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
I thinkn I posted on here about when the hospital car park tried to charge Mrs O for parking, but her Phone navigation showed her route and timings (she dropped off and picked up daughter, didnt park and stay). They sent a letter saying that their equipment was not faulty and that the fine still stood. We replied that we were confident that our evidence was sufficient to prove otherwise and would be happy to present it to a court.
Not heard anything from them since.
Had an email from Euro Car Parks. A lot of crap about private land and signage then

• The signage onsite clearly states ‘Authorised Vehicles Only’, your vehicle was not authorised to park in Nuffield Health - York Hospital – your full and correct vehicle registration was not registered via the console located on the premises, therefore the Parking Charge Notice was issued correctly.
• The Parking Charge Notice has been cancelled on this occasion, however any further Parking Charge Notices issued for the same reasons will not be cancelled. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the full and correct Vehicle Registration Mark has been entered via the console located on the premises.

I think the twunts are trying it on, expecting that users of a private hospital are well heeled enough not to contest a £60 fine 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
I know I'm a bit simple but if a premises has a car park for their clients would that not be perfectly acceptable to park there whilst using that business
I certainly would not be expecting to have to enter my registration number anywhere
I know I'm a bit simple but if a premises has a car park for their clients would that not be perfectly acceptable to park there whilst using that business
I certainly would not be expecting to have to enter my registration number anywhere
It's a strange one. Due to location of the hospital, there's nothing else nearby that you would need to park there for. In other words all cars parked should be using the hospital. Maybe that's the problem, all cars parked are legitimate and there's no charging income for Euro Car Parks so they try it on now and again saying you haven't put your number in right. The NHS send a few patients there for treatment or ops but Mum's having to pay to avoid a 21 month wait to be seen at the hosp, that's after the GP has been pissing about for 6 years. That's a rant for another time
It's a strange one. Due to location of the hospital, there's nothing else nearby that you would need to park there for. In other words all cars parked should be using the hospital. Maybe that's the problem, all cars parked are legitimate and there's no charging income for Euro Car Parks so they try it on now and again saying you haven't put your number in right. The NHS send a few patients there for treatment or ops but Mum's having to pay to avoid a 21 month wait to be seen at the hosp, that's after the GP has been pissing about for 6 years. That's a rant for another time
Anything like that I usually loose my cool with them and just tell them take me to court if you want, just let me know when
That's always the end of the matter
I had a moan to my sister about the difficulty with the NHS Wales app which was needed to order a repeat presciption, as you had to have a photo ID. She then needed to sign on to the NHS England app for the same reason, and apparently that needs a photo ID and to record your voice.
So anyone who hacks the NHS now will have all the info to clone your identity...
Get rid of most techie stuff, at least WRT being forced to use it for ‘official’ communication.
My eyesight is genuinely bad so I insist on a ‘proper’ speaking phone call or an email..... or better still ‘contact my OH’.
Will shortly get 2nd cataract done ...... when I am ready!
There is a court case in Australia that could have repercussions for all women. IT is called Tickle Vs Giggle. Yes, really.
A woman, Sali Grover, opened an app for women, started as a lesbian dating site but grew to a safe place for women to chat. Many men tried to join but they had technology in place to stop this.
Roxanne Tickle, a biological male who identifies as a woman and alleges that he was discriminated against him when he was refused the right to join the female-only app Giggle for Girls is now suing for discrimination.
If Mr Tickle wins, it will have far reaching effects for all women. The rights of lesbians to hold public events that are women-only, the rights of girls and women to fair sport, the rights of women in prisons, hospitals and shelters to be physically and psychologically safe from men. Many places that have long been women only places are now being challenged. Changing rooms and toilets being amongst them.
If a woman is simply anyone who proclaims themselves to be a woman then women as a distinct sexed class cease to exist.
Sali Grover has had to resort to crowd funding to pay legal fees, but Mr Tickle was given $50,000 of taxpayer funds for his case.
The world has gone mad.
There is a court case in Australia that could have repercussions for all women. IT is called Tickle Vs Giggle. Yes, really.
A woman, Sali Grover, opened an app for women, started as a lesbian dating site but grew to a safe place for women to chat. Many men tried to join but they had technology in place to stop this.
Roxanne Tickle, a biological male who identifies as a woman and alleges that he was discriminated against him when he was refused the right to join the female-only app Giggle for Girls is now suing for discrimination.
If Mr Tickle wins, it will have far reaching effects for all women. The rights of lesbians to hold public events that are women-only, the rights of girls and women to fair sport, the rights of women in prisons, hospitals and shelters to be physically and psychologically safe from men. Many places that have long been women only places are now being challenged. Changing rooms and toilets being amongst them.
If a woman is simply anyone who proclaims themselves to be a woman then women as a distinct sexed class cease to exist.
Sali Grover has had to resort to crowd funding to pay legal fees, but Mr Tickle was given $50,000 of taxpayer funds for his case.
The world has gone mad.
I've just had this ad pop up on phone
It's a t shirt, won't let me copy the image but it says
"I may be old, but I got to see
The world before it went to shit"

I wonder if they'd do a discount for a bulk ag matters order :D

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