What were you up to today

It’s actually really difficult disposing of dead, poisoned rats in a way that satisfies everyone. There may not be a correct answer. I don’t think you’re supposed to burn them. I doubt the nacker man is going to want dead rats. I doubt the council is going to have ‘dead rat disposal’ facilities (and even if it did, it would only cater to domestic customers, not businesses).

Another question they require you to answer (where there isn’t really a right answer), while being unable to provide a suitable answer themselves.
It doesn't matter how you deal with disposal, you tell him what he wants to hear
Own up who bought your dad a tub of paint ?
It's actually a syrup bucket, from mum's baking enterprise. Dad gave my uncle a stack of them the other week, to use on the farm, and dad being dad, gave him one with a hole in 🤦‍♀️
So uncle John used it to carry all the artefacts he needed for his speech, and gave it back to Dad 😅 (it did have some whisky and Newky Brown in it).
Came into the house for tea (4 pm tea and cake) to find a message on the phone informing me that I've got a farm assurance inspection next week. :rolleyes:
I used to dread farm inspections, not from what genuinely was required but what was the new tangent that some office arse decided what was going to be the new flavour of the day that ended in more trivial time wasting and or expenditure of money for something that makes negative zero impact on reality or environmental.
And then there's the "inspector", heaven forbid you get one that's on a power trip.
Came into the house for tea (4 pm tea and cake) to find a message on the phone informing me that I've got a farm assurance inspection next week. :rolleyes:
How could they be informing you?
Should they not be phoning to arrange an appointment, at a mutually convenient time?
I hate it when people dictate what day/time, I once went for a job interview, they said what day and time (I hadn't actually realised this at the time) and they were the worst employers I've experienced
How could they be informing you?
Should they not be phoning to arrange an appointment, at a mutually convenient time?
I hate it when people dictate what day/time, I once went for a job interview, they said what day and time (I hadn't actually realised this at the time) and they were the worst employers I've experienced
I wasn't in the house to answer the phone and he's "in the area " next week. To be fair when I rang him back I could probably have got a different time/day, but might as well just get on with it
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