
Maybe they see it as the straw that could break the camel‘s back 🤷‍♂️
It absolutely is.
Especially as it's all a load of codswallop. We've had 2 meetings this year where we've been asked if we've calculated our carbon footprint or what environmental schemes we've signed up to.
Bank manager came for his annual review. We had to update a questionnaire with stock numbers, acres, etc and one question was about carbon footprint.
I told him that I didn't believe my cows were killing the planet. How Dunbia wanted to calculate my CF like it was some sort of favour, but I declined, citing that it would be used as a stick to beat me with, or for Dunbia's benefit, not mine.
(He agreed, but wanted to put something, so mentioned Countryside stewardship)
Environment agency last week....."have you signed up to SFI?"
Similar reply to above. She agreed, her sidekick I'm not so sure about 🤔
They can bugger off 🤨
It absolutely is.
Especially as it's all a load of codswallop. We've had 2 meetings this year where we've been asked if we've calculated our carbon footprint or what environmental schemes we've signed up to.
Bank manager came for his annual review. We had to update a questionnaire with stock numbers, acres, etc and one question was about carbon footprint.
I told him that I didn't believe my cows were killing the planet. How Dunbia wanted to calculate my CF like it was some sort of favour, but I declined, citing that it would be used as a stick to beat me with, or for Dunbia's, b benefit, not mine.
(He agreed, but wanted to put something, so mentioned Countryside stewardship)
Environment agency last week....."have you signed up to SFI?"
Similar reply to above. She agreed, her sidekick I'm not so sure about 🤔
They can bugger off 🤨
I wouldn't have phrased it so politely , its a bit rich for a bank or financial institution/parasite to pass judgement....
Whoever designed this poster needs a head wobble or a kick up the arse..
View attachment 23100
That graphic looks distinctly like it was (poor) AI -designed.
What kind of vehicle is that exactly?
Why are they growing mutant spiders in their fields?

I mean I’m assuming. I haven’t been to Wales in a long while; maybe spiders and those vehicles are commonplace now🤔
That graphic looks distinctly like it was (poor) AI -designed.
What kind of vehicle is that exactly?
Why are they growing mutant spiders in their fields?

I mean I’m assuming. I haven’t been to Wales in a long while; maybe spiders and those vehicles are commonplace now🤔
Looks good but makes no coherent, logical or practical sense, bit like most of our current and previous politicians....
This is what they do - they will pretend they have made concessions because they slightly delayed it but will still plough on with the nonsense.
Anything with 'sustainable' as a goal is off with the fairies before it starts, but they will still try to implement it even though they don't have a clue about what they hope to achieve. Apart from make actually producing food from farms ever more unviable.
This is what they do - they will pretend they have made concessions because they slightly delayed it but will still plough on with the nonsense.
Anything with 'sustainable' as a goal is off with the fairies before it starts, but they will still try to implement it even though they don't have a clue about what they hope to achieve. Apart from make actually producing food from farms ever more unviable.
Lunatics running the world yet we let them breed.....

They must have set off very early to be able to walk from Norfolk and Bristol to Chester dragging their shopping trolley behind them, at least I'm assuming they didn't convey themselves in a anything like a car, bus or train.

They must have set off very early to be able to walk from Norfolk and Bristol to Chester dragging their shopping trolley behind them, at least I'm assuming they didn't convey themselves in a anything like a car, bus or train.
Like for your comment not the act
Its surprising two old biddies with a large bomb-like object got anywhere near.
The substance sprayed about could have been far more dangerous.
If you scroll down and watch the video, it's a full 5 seconds before the coppers react and that's after looking at each other as if to say "are you going or shall I". Anywhere else in the world like 'merica the secret service would've had them on the ground in milliseconds

They must have set off very early to be able to walk from Norfolk and Bristol to Chester dragging their shopping trolley behind them, at least I'm assuming they didn't convey themselves in a anything like a car, bus or train.
What a pair of drop kicks, just because you don't like them doesn't give you the right to be a cockwomble*

* Possibly not the real word I was thinking....
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