
Parents who seem to make potty training hard work.
Someone said to me, "they'll do it when they're ready", and it was the best advice ever.
Maybe we were lucky, but we didn't panic, and when they decided, they were dry day and night within a week. Girls just under 3, boy just over.
Brother in law came yesterday with his 2.5 yr old. Trailed her to the toilet twice. Got a result second time, but then a solid in the trolleys ten minutes later 🙄 Sorted her out, then a lecture on how disappointed they were, and how they had enough on with the baby's nappies and needed her to sort it out 🙄
Give the kid a bloody break 😔
Parents who seem to make potty training hard work.
Someone said to me, "they'll do it when they're ready", and it was the best advice ever.
Maybe we were lucky, but we didn't panic, and when they decided, they were dry day and night within a week. Girls just under 3, boy just over.
Brother in law came yesterday with his 2.5 yr old. Trailed her to the toilet twice. Got a result second time, but then a solid in the trolleys ten minutes later 🙄 Sorted her out, then a lecture on how disappointed they were, and how they had enough on with the baby's nappies and needed her to sort it out 🙄
Give the kid a bloody break 😔
He'll give her a complex about "bodily functions" and its certainly not her fault they've got a baby as well! Little girls should be encouraged to wee "behind a bush" occasionally. Being able to "let it go" without the stimulation of a toilet seat can a very useful skill in an emergency :ROFLMAO:
He'll give her a complex about "bodily functions" and it’s certainly not her fault they've got a baby as well! Little girls should be encouraged to wee "behind a bush" occasionally. Being able to "let it go" without the stimulation of a toilet seat can a very useful skill in an emergency :ROFLMAO:
The best movement you’ll have is an outside experience, hunkered down rather than sitting like a robot 🤖
He'll give her a complex about "bodily functions" and its certainly not her fault they've got a baby as well! Little girls should be encouraged to wee "behind a bush" occasionally. Being able to "let it go" without the stimulation of a toilet seat can a very useful skill in an emergency :ROFLMAO:

Why is it that when the male of the species go to pee alfresco, it's always up against something?
I remember my youngest brother's first day at primary school. Being a farm lad, he'd always pee'd where he fancied. He had to be escorted off the playing field after letting loose against the goalpost 😂
Vassil Panayotov, a detective based in Sliven, in the foothills of the Balkan mountains, launched an investigation into the sudden influx of cash in his city after noticing properties were being built and residents were wearing designer clothing.

thousands of people, of whom many had never visited Britain, were receiving up to £2,500 a month in benefits from the UK.

Tip of the iceberg if it was that easy.
Radio 4 late morning had a vegen bloke on, debating with a food enthusiast that the country should go on a plant based diet.
This was the BBC's idea of balanced coverage.
The food enthusiast countered some of the vegans points in a satisfactory manner, but then the Vegan started stating facts about farming methods, which were widely innaccurate, i.e. it takes 25kg of corn to make 1kg of beef.
I thought the BBC have a fact checker service, they should correct misinformation or have suitably qualified guests to counter them in the live situation.
Radio 4 late morning had a vegen bloke on, debating with a food enthusiast that the country should go on a plant based diet.
This was the BBC's idea of balanced coverage.
The food enthusiast countered some of the vegans points in a satisfactory manner, but then the Vegan started stating facts about farming methods, which were widely innaccurate, i.e. it takes 25kg of corn to make 1kg of beef.
I thought the BBC have a fact checker service, they should correct misinformation or have suitably qualified guests to counter them in the live situation.
I'm quite surprised someone with your intelligence would expect FACTS from the bullshit broadcasting corporation
Radio 4 late morning had a vegen bloke on, debating with a food enthusiast that the country should go on a plant based diet.
This was the BBC's idea of balanced coverage.
The food enthusiast countered some of the vegans points in a satisfactory manner, but then the Vegan started stating facts about farming methods, which were widely innaccurate, i.e. it takes 25kg of corn to make 1kg of beef.
I thought the BBC have a fact checker service, they should correct misinformation or have suitably qualified guests to counter them in the live situation.
Just heard an "expert" on the radio say
Red meat is the most processed form of food, and even grass fed meat is full of injections as the animals get B12, and also artificial insemination.
I cannot believe the ignorance of these academics and the fact that they're allowed to go round spouting this rubbish. 🤬
Must have been the same programme. The vegan bloke really was as thick as a brick.
Can't find the article online but Charlie Flindt is back in FW this week. For years he's had Joe Public telling him they can walk wherever they want "cos it's all National Trust land". Now that NT have taken most of the land back for re-wilding, they're fencing off the footpaths and bridleways to keep the public from wandering :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Can't find the article online but Charlie Flindt is back in FW this week. For years he's had Joe Public telling him they can walk wherever they want "cos it's all National Trust land". Now that NT have taken most of the land back for re-wilding, they're fencing off the footpaths and bridleways to keep the public from wandering :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Read that earlier (in the print edition)
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